i'm loud. i talk loud, laugh loud, think out loud....heck my hair is even loud, in a hair kinda way (loud hair=big hair). why then am i surprised that jett is loud? whenever he screams i wonder, "why is he doing that?". it's not an unhappy scream, just wanting to be heard by everyone in earshot and everyone not in earshot. for example; i went to lunch with a friend today who also has a little son who is a few months younger than jett. jett had to engage everyone near him and literally scream to my friend's son who was RIGHT next to him. they were thisclosetoeachother. i'm wondering if he was screaming because this boy wouldn't talk back to him. he just sat there and looked at him, no doubt thinking, "why are you screaming at me? i'm right next to you.". friend's son was quiet and happy, eating his green beans. fortunately, we missed the lunch crowd so there weren't too many people to be annoyed with my loud son.
another thing he does is when there is a closed door in the house and he knows someone is behind it, he goes up to it and yells something like this....."A YAAAAAA!" it's very relaxing to the person on the other side of the door who may be resting, trying to get away from this loud boy. also very nice when one is trying to use the bathroom in peace. our cat definitely enjoys being yelled at as well....nothing quite like taking a cat nap and having a human come up right into your face and scream at you, not to mention pulling your tail. guess that's why cat hangs out mostly outside although he has to be careful where because jett will find him lying next to the house under a window and...you guessed it, scream KIT TY!
before i had jett, every kid that i ever encountered who was screaming would make me cringe. i have even been known to shoot dirty looks at the poor mothers wondering why they wouldn't shut their kid up. maybe that's why i have a very loud child??? i don't believe in karma but maybe i should. i'm not talking about unhappy screams here, just the excited "talking" screaming just to be heard screams. so for anyone who is childless or has a quiet child, please know that sometimes you cannot make someone be quiet. i still am annoyed by parents who let their children cry and scream while the parent is blissfully shopping completely deaf to it all. i refuse to do that, it even bugs me when jett screams in protest. still working on that one. it's a good thing he's cute. he doesn't look loud does he?
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